Page 3 - Annual Report 2021-2022
P. 3

 Welcome to our annual report 2021/2022
  On behalf of the board of liveArgyll I am
delighted to introduce our fifth annual report. I would like to start by taking a moment to reflect
on the circumstances of the last year which,
similar to the previous, can be described as extremely challenging. I would like to express
my sincere thanks to the management team
and staff who have responded exceptionally
well to the many challenges, adapting positively
to changing and emerging events during what
was a period of tremendous uncertainty. It is testament to their professionalism and hard
work that liveArgyll is well placed to resume activity from a stable platform. •
As a Board we take our responsibility to protect
the company’s financial position and our ability
to provide on-going services extremely seriously. • Throughout the period of the pandemic we
actively engaged with all funding partners in • respect of continuation of support. We also
ensured that wherever eligible we accessed all available UK and Scottish Government support. • This allowed liveArgyll to retain staff, offer part services, enhance digital offerings and continue
to operate in an environment where consumer confidence was low and associated self-
generated income levels were vastly reduced. •
I’m delighted to be able to record a considerable number of achievements during the year. Firstly, • our ability to respond positively and timeously to
ever changing circumstances must be recognised
as a key success. The collective contribution from liveArgyll as an organisation and the contribution
of our individual staff members to the Argyll and Bute community in response to the pandemic was impressive and my thanks go to the very many people who represented our company whilst doing their bit. In respect of planning for the future and our continuing development, again, I’m pleased to record that we were able to progress with a number of strategic projects and initiatives linked to our stated proposals and priorities
for change and which are underpinned by our Growth, Participation and Quality objectives.
These include:
Continuing to meet our over-arching objective of being less reliant on external funding by agreeing a reduced 2022-23 annual services payment with Argyll and Bute Council; Launching our new Leisure Management System and customer booking app; Successful partnership working with sportscotland to deliver a revised Active Schools programme;
A very successful on-boarding of the Community Learning service from the Council. liveArgyll are now operating as the lead delivery partner and an early inspection report highlighted very positive results;
Continuing to be affordable, more specifically being able to hold our prices at 2019-20 levels;
Implementation and planning of a range
of facility development projects aimed at increasing capacity, improving services and offering, as well as adapting to changing customer behaviour. 3
 Welcome from Andrew Nisbet, Chair liveArgyll

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