Excellence in Action Awards

At liveArgyll, we believe in acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our employees. That’s why we’ve established the Excellence in Action Awards. This initiative is designed to not only reward effort, but to express gratitude to our workforce whilst nurturing a culture of recognition within our organisation.

Key Features:

    • Rewarding Effort: The scheme aims to recognise the contributions and achievements of our staff members who go above and beyond in their roles.
    • Thanking Our Workforce: It serves as a platform to say a heartfelt thank you to our employees for their commitment and dedication.
    • Cultivating Recognition Culture: By implementing this scheme, we strive to foster a culture where acknowledgment and appreciation are fundamental aspects of our work environment.

Nomination Process:
Nominations for the Excellence in Action Awards will be be open all year round by simply clicking on the ‘Nominate Now’ link at the bottom of this page. Nominations will be evaluated using a scoring matrix to determine the deserving recipients of the award. 

Awards Ceremony:
The culmination of the Excellence in Action Awards is an annual event where deserving employees are honored and presented with their awards. The Awards Ceremony will take place in December.

At liveArgyll, we take pride in being an organisation that promotes loyalty, and encourages positive performance. Join us in celebrating the outstanding contributions of our workforce through the Excellence in Action Awards.

Who can nominate?

Any liveArgyll employee or member of the public can nominate a colleague or member of the liveArgyll workforce respectively.
Multiple entries may be considered if they have been part of the same project.

When and how to nominate?

Nominations can be made at any time throughout the calendar year whereby colleagues and the general public are invited to submit their nomination(s) and reasons why. 


All those nominated for the award will receive a mention in the liveArgyll newsletter. Those who are successful in winning the award, will be presented with an inscribed plaque and prize at the annual Award Ceremony. 

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