Ormidale Memorial

Below we bring you, bit by bit, a memorial that Ormidale wrote in 1798 laying out his grievances against his brother (“the late Otter”) in an attempt to have his will overturned. We have done our best to decipher Ormidale’s scrawl but please feel free to offer corrections of any word you think we have misread. We are quite sure that there will be a few.

Excerpt 25

This extract really does make you appreciate modern punctuation. The entire memorial contains no more than a handful of commas or full stops, as is typical with eighteenth century writing, and uses capitalisation to emphasize important words.

That such a character also

Who seldom or ever since he became Laird went to sermon

Nor did he ever communicate at the Lords Table if he did it

Never was Knowen in his Country Such a Character to Adopt

the Children of an Infamous Woman is beyond the the Adopti

=tion of Children as related in Scripture to Adopt such to the preju

=dice of a Brother who defies all Mankind to prove One

Page 10th     One unjust Action toward every person

                     or persons in the Course of his Transactions in Business

                     of every kind with his Tennants his labourers by piece

                     Workers Days Wadges his Servants and above all his Transections

                     in his Fathers and Brothers business for many years which

                     he hase the Satisfaction to think in his old days is that

                     there are few in his Country can say with truth the

                     Same at the Memorialist time of life ———

Excerpt 26

Ormidale repeatedly says that he neglected his own estate, concentrating instead on ensuring that Otter was run properly. “Paitty Children” presumably means “small children”, from the French “petit”.

18                 Which Gauves the Memorialist unto his Death

                     That as is said having Misspent his precious time

                     doing nothing. That now in his Old Age he finds

                     with deep regret the Consequence is that his Familie

                     Consisting of a Wife her sister and a daughter and

                     some ane or Others of his Grand Children in his familie

                     And also his Sons Situation who is a Man of an

                     Honest respectable good character and Who hase a

Wife and       A numerous family of Paitty Children and that such

                     of said familie have not yearly to live upon of an

                     Income of Landed Property After deducting Taxes

                     And Others with debts due also Yearly each Familie

                     As said have not to live upon Above from £70 Sterling

                     till £80 Sterling Yearly from the aforesaid causes that

                     The Memorialist had misspent his time as aforesaid

                     Sett forth in truth ———–

Excerpt 27

Here we have the reason that the two brothers finally became completely estranged. Otter claimed that he had given Ormidale money to pay a bill, and that Ormidale had kept it. Later in the memorial Ormidale says that he did use the money for its intended purpose.

19                 The whole of the aforesaid as sett forth by the Memorialist

                     To conclude rests in the following Transactions which

                     Shewes the Temper of the Memorialist Brother late Otter

                     That Upon the 26th Day of May 1786 Years was the Day

                     fixed Upon in Late Otters mind in order to make the

                     World believe his Brother the Memorialist was a bad Man

Mr Samuell              Said day he alledged that when in a passion seemingly

Pate being               that he had given to the Memorialist the year before

Present only            £100 Cash when the Memorialist left his presence

Page 11th               presence after refusing the same this is also as asserted in

                     the aforesaid Memorial wrote in February 1795 years

2nd                         Upon which Otter in June following the said 26th May 1786

                     He went to Edinburgh when there Cussed and Damned

                     himself that the Memorialist a Damned Cheat


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