Ormidale Memorial

Below we bring you, bit by bit, a memorial that Ormidale wrote in 1798 laying out his grievances against his brother (“the late Otter”) in an attempt to have his will overturned. We have done our best to decipher Ormidale’s scrawl but please feel free to offer corrections of any word you think we have misread. We are quite sure that there will be a few.

Excerpt 34

Ormidale seems to be saying here that Otter tried to keep him short of cash so that he wouldn’t be able to contest his will after his death, and that it would be both illegal and unchristian to let him get away with this.


                     That all alongst for many years past that he Industri=

                     =ausly endeavoured all in his power to oppress the Memori

                     =list by being at all times attending his Business whilst the

                     Otter was living a discipated Life as said And that he sensed

                     the Memorialist would raise in Wealth so as to be Able

                     at Law to Overturn any Unaturall Deed he Otter

                     Could make against his Brothers Interest

                     After his Death And that for want of Cash to reduce as

                     Said any Deed made by Otter that two Claims could be made

                     But it is hoped that the Laws of Britain shall not admit

                     of such a Barbarity in Any Unaturall Brother as Otter hase

                     been to the Memorialist who as his Brother when he was Alive

                     But to put Mrs Black first thin Mr Bruce her Children

                     in possession of Otters Estate is such a Straing Case in a Civilis

=ed  Country where the Cristian Religion is Established by Law

Excerpt 35

Ormidale gave the memorial to his son John to take to his solicitor in Edinburgh. By this time he was about 76 years old and perhaps still suffering from the effects of his accident eight years previously, and so may not have been able to make the journey himself.

Page 14 Lair  The forsaid Memoriall wrote by Alexander

                     Campbell of Ormidale Consisting of 14 pages

                     Which is given to Captain John Campbell Ormidale

his son          In Order he take Councill Upon it both at Edinburgh

                     As well as to get Councill of the Laws in England

                    for the purpose of Educing any Unaturall Deed

                     Late Otter hase Executed for the Purpose of Exclud

=ing his Brothers Familie from the Just Benefit of

Late Otters his Fathers Corroborating Deeds for many

Years before his Death Is Signed at Ormidale

The 29th Day of January 1798 Years by

Alexander Campbell of Ormidale Writer of the as said

To John Campbell Ormidale

                                                              Alexander Campbell

Excerpt 36

Here Ormidale is giving John detailed instructions on how to proceed with his court case.

No[ta] Be[ne] John Campbell Ormidale

You are hereby enjoined to cause a fair Copy

of the aforesaid Memoriall to be wrote out and

with all other Materialls that can be found for the

Purpose of laying the whole before the Best Councill

At Edinburgh And that by the speciall Rewiew?

Of my agent Mr George Andrew writer at Edinburgh

At same time if Mr John Campbell Smithy Green

is not Engadged with the Oposite party I expect

                     You will think proper to join him with Mr

                     George Andrew in making up the papers in

                     proper form And this is my request And I am

                                                   John        Your Father

                                                              Alexander Campbell

To Captain John Campbell Ormidale

Atst The Letters and Other Corroborating Papers

That with the Witnesses to prove the last nine Notes

are Lying with me and When accuired shall be provided

When wanted

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