Ormidale Memorial

Below we bring you, bit by bit, a memorial that Ormidale wrote in 1798 laying out his grievances against his brother (“the late Otter”) in an attempt to have his will overturned. We have done our best to decipher Ormidale’s scrawl but please feel free to offer corrections of any word you think we have misread. We are quite sure that there will be a few.

Excerpt 46

Ormidale seems to be saying that he fully expects his case to be successful because Otter’s actions are not within the expected norms of society, and there were other options for taking care of Mrs Black’s children.

It is the greatest wonder if Late Otter his said Unaturall

Deilination of his Landed Property Shall not be

Reduced if not it is Very Strange in a Civilised

Kingdom as Great Britain

Atend to this Postscript with due Care

Upon the Whole that Late Otter did not satisfie

himself by giving as said to Mrs Black afterwards

Mrs Bruces Children as Other people daes upon the Like

Events by Allowing such Children a Reasonable Allowance

in Cash (though a Burden upon his Estate after his

Death would be far less Wander than as he did

by Overturning every Reasonable Duty Incombant

Upon an Old Worn out Man as he was by

A Life he must have laid in Disipation and Debaritilory

which Life he proves by his aforsaid Unaturall Transactions

                                                                        A: C:

Excerpt 47

Presumably Ormidale had by this point received a letter from his solicitor saying that nothing could be done.

Since perusing Mr George Andrews Letter of the

          26th January 1798 And After Seeing every Article Sett forth

          In late Otters Intaill It is still the Opinion of Ormidale

          that Otter was much Difucullted And Accordingly Patched up

          his Intaill from time to time in a Very Extraordinary Way And

          At Last he gave his Son a power of excluding Ormidales Son

          And also his Nephew Ardmarnock from any share of said

          Intaill This Evidently shows Otters persone Disposition

Against his Nearest Relation Ormidale and his Famillie

Determined Never to give Offence Any Manner of Way to Otters

Son nor Daughter nor any Other

Person or Persons Whilst he lives

                     Alexander Campbell

Excerpt 48

And, one last comment from Ormidale that someone has done something fraudulent.

Ormdale is positive that his

Brother Wrote out two Letter

Wills What is become of them

As they did not appear Amongst

late Otters Papers when Inspected

by Mr Archibald Bell and Other

Writers lately at Otter It is positive

ly Dreaded that said Letter Wills

have been Industriously retired

[?] the way  when Late Otter

Dacceded from Ormidale as said his Memoriall

Within when in Duncan Campbells

hands at Inveraray that He Otter

Would be Deponed Anent said Letter

Wills of his Fathers

                     Alexander Campbell

One of the aforesaid Letter Wills was Wrote ane Year or two before

Late Otter his Fathers Death by Doctor Alexander Glass of Bogany

in Buteshire And the Other was wrote by James Campbell of


          Alexander Campbell

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