Beginners Ashtanga

A set series of postures, cleverly designed to give a complete all over body stretch but also work on balance and strength.  It begins with sun salutations, then standing postures, seated postures, inversions and relaxation.  A strong disciplined practice that quickly bears results and makes you feel open and strong.  The practice of yoga is over 2,000 years old, the Ashtanga sequence has been perfected over the years and i think is a perfect all over work-in yes you read that right a work-in not a workout, as like all yoga, it draws your attention inward on your breath and how your body feels so that you prevent injury and rid the mind of external stressors, leaving you feeling fully stretched but also centered and relaxed.  Beginners Ashtanga it is suitable for anyone who can easily get down and up from the floor.

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