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£2.50 per session

or get an individual membership

Our Move Together Exercise Scheme is a great way for people with long-term health conditions to increase their physical activity levels and improve their health.


mO is a dedicated class for individuals with various health conditions to improve both physical and mental wellbeing, providing a safe and friendly environment while developing social connections and building friendships.

Our qualified instructors have extensive experience working with individuals who have varying health conditions, these include, but are not exclusive to:

Macmillan Move More

movemore programme

MoveMore Scotland is part of MacMillan Cancer Supports national campaign to support people living with and beyond cancer, to find an activity that’s right for them.  The programme aims to ensure that people living with cancer are supported to become physically active, before, during and after treatment.  Our Argyll Active instructors have undergone specialised training to support people living with cancer in our circuit-based classes.  Our Move More Development Officer is dedicated to offering one to one support and advice to people living with cancer to enjoy becoming more physically active. 

Cardiac Rehab

cardiac programme

Cardiac Rehab –-this program is designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart surgery; angioplasty; heart attack or stable heart failure and help manage other heart conditions such as Atrial fibrillation, valve repair replacement, angina

Falls Prevention

movemore programme

Falls Prevention – regular gentle exercises can improve your strength, balance and reduce your risk of falling.  Needs will vary and the program will be adapted to best suit individuals, while being monitored by the instructor.

We are also proud to be able to offer:

Gentle Movement – this class is run virtually and is open to anyone who has a long-term health condition or had cancer diagnosis either past or present. The sessions are run by volunteers, but is over seen by the MoveMore Development Officer. The sessions are extremely gentle and extremely relaxing. At the end of the sessions there is time for a ‘virtual cuppa’, where you can chat with others building social connections.

Online Move Together sessions – either 1:1 or in small groups, these classes take place with our experienced instructor virtually. Just like in the facility you will be guided through exercises best suited to you. At the end of the session you will be able to enjoy a ‘virtual cuppa’.

How do I get started?

You can either complete a self-referral, or if you’d rather be referred by a health care professional, ask them to complete the referral for Move Together on your behalf at your next appointment.


If you are in need of increasing your daily physical activity levels then why not follow the link below and self-refer.

Health care Professionals who wish to make a referral for a patient can download  the Referral Form and follow the guidance.

If you would rather be referred by your health care professional ask for a referral to ArgyllActive during your next appointment.


We are here for you. Do you have a question or just want to get in touch? Message us below! 

Our Partners

Visit their websites for more information.




Our ArgyllActive sessions are specifically designed for people with long-term health conditions to begin increasing their physical activity levels, forming good habits to improve their physical and mental health.

Sessions are £2.50 per session or included when you take out a membership.

All ArgyllActive sessions are led by specially trained experienced instructors.  Exercises are adaptable to suit each individual and our instructors are always on hand to offer assistance, guidance and support throughout.

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