Ormidale Memorial

Below we bring you, bit by bit, a memorial that Ormidale wrote in 1798 laying out his grievances against his brother (“the late Otter”) in an attempt to have his will overturned. We have done our best to decipher Ormidale’s scrawl but please feel free to offer corrections of any word you think we have misread. We are quite sure that there will be a few.

Excerpt 16

We’re not quite sure what the story is here. It seems that Ormidale’s tenant, Duncan McEllar, refused to vacate his farm when required, and it cost Ormidale a massive amount in legal fees to evict him. He seems to think that McEllar was being encouraged by Otter to do this. Why he thought this we have no idea.

And the thanks the Memorialist had [and Mr Williams was that he 

Made his agent ane Cammeron whose sister was Married

to one Duncan McEllar a Tennant of the Memorialist

to Sitt in his Farm after regular warning that betwixt

Inveraray and Edinburgh it cost the Memorialist nigh

£30 Sterling before he could Evict McEllar and please the In

Coming Tennant As McEller sat with his stock of sheep

and Black Cattle till July following this was

The Memorialist thanks for which he never got from

Otter one penny but Abusive Language & Vide the the

Memorial wrote in 1795 as aforesaid

Excerpt 17

Militias, Fencibles & Volunteer Corps were raised for internal defence as a supplement to the Regular Army. For information about military records please see https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/research/research-guides/research-guides-a-z/military-records

12       About the year 1777 there was raised ane Regiment

          Of Fencibles where the Memorialist Son was appointed to

          Lieutenant the Memorialist did all in his power to raise men

          And got a panel of five young lads he gave

          Five guineas out of his pocket to each of them besides the Bounty

          Or Levy money allowed he applyed to Otter for his assistance

          To raise men in his estate where there was great numbers

          Of young lads he called his Tennants to gather and raised by

          Subscription two guineas out of each farm and sent it to

          Glasgow to compleat his Quota of men for said Regiment

          But not ane man for Otters Nephew from Otters Estate Vide Last Page

Excerpt 18

“Succen” is grain. Otter started taking all of the grain grown on the Estate of Otter to the new mill that he built to be ground there. It’s not entirely clear why this was a problem, unless it had previously been taken to a mill on Ormidale estate, which would have led to a drop in income for Ormidale.

Page 7th       About the year 1781 Otter purchased Linsaig Ochill 

                               =trees property a part of which the Memorialist purchased

                               (Alongst with Otter) it being a small Muir Land Farm Vide

                               the aforesaid mentioned Memoriall wrote in February 1795 and

                               Transmitted with this Memoriall

                               When Otter had purchased as above he Carried all the

                               Succen of the Estate of Otter to a New Miln he Built at

                               Linsaig where also the Memoriall attended as usuall

                               but no manner of consideration for this trouble And When

                               The Memorialist he contracted Debt in Inorrmous Extent

                               That from the aforesaid 29th day of September 1763 to the

                               26th May 1786 the Memorialist employed more

                               of his time about Otters business by far than he could do

                               about his own at home or elsewhere as said to his Ruin

                               by a cause of his Fathers request as said in Note 8th

                               Upon the 26th day of May 1786 After which day all

                               Communication ceased betwixt the Memorialist and

                               Otter as Otters behaviour was such it was most Boister

                               =ous and Unnaturall and the severall Occurences that

                               happened since till the month of February 1795

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