Ormidale Memorial

Below we bring you, bit by bit, a memorial that Ormidale wrote in 1798 laying out his grievances against his brother (“the late Otter”) in an attempt to have his will overturned. We have done our best to decipher Ormidale’s scrawl but please feel free to offer corrections of any word you think we have misread. We are quite sure that there will be a few.

Excerpt 43

Ormidale is claiming that Otter had financially mismanaged his estate, to the point where the tenants might struggle to pay their rents if the prices that they could get for their goods dropped.

Notice Late Otter Raised the Rents

of his Estate to such An hight of Rents

if There is a fall of Marcats the Tennants upon

Said Estate will very soon thereafter a fall

of Marcats go to Wreck and probably not be

Able to pay for the Debts Otter left behind

him in place of a Living to his Heir Over

And above what will pay the Interest of his

Debts the Heir will have probably Nothing

left Behind to Live upon A: C: this advert to pare=


Excerpt 44

Here we have more complaints about mismanagement of the estate. We are not quite sure why these are relevant to Ormidale’s case, unless he perhaps thought that it was proof that Otter was not of sound mind?

Late Otter must have Doubts who would

Succeed him Upon the Estate of Otter and

he must have been much perplexed till within

A few Years before his Death he then begun

to Build Stone Dykes Yet he

Never Built an House nor Office Houses

besides he Cutt Down All the Planting

And Valuable Growing Woods Up on his

Estate and left it quite bare of Timber

That his Tennants cannot be able to Labour

the Ground for Want of Timber these also Mr George

Andrew if he pleases will pay attention to as said

And form his Opinions by reasoning upon the

Aforsaid Causes  A:C:

Excerpt 45

Ormidale is saying here that Otter didn’t bother to fulfil his duty in recruiting men to serve in the Fencible Regiment. These were used to defend the country against invasion and to free up the Regular Army for other duties.



Excepting the

Altering Ane

figure in an Accompt

for Late Otter which

appeared against

him by his Brother

George which was

Intirely Against

the Memorialists

Mind and Which

Is Mentioned in the

Forsaid Representation

Sent late Otter in the

1787 Vide

Page 11 and

And Note 4th

of the Conclusion

marked                    X


the sume Aluded

to was £60 l Scots Money



Late Otters very great displeasure


At and nixt the last line of Page 6th Not 12th

Was Omitted that when the present Argyleshire Standing

Fencible Regiment was to be Raised the Memorialist

Could no get one Young Man to Inlist over his property

As he got when the Forsaid Fencible Regiment was to

be Raised because Both Tennants Cottars and Young Men

Alledged that the Laird of Otter troubled no Man upon

his Estate to Inlist for said aforsaid Regiment when Raised

And that they were positive Otter would give himself no

Trouble about this Regiment therefore refused to Inlist

Upon any Taxes But the forsaid Memorialist gave a Sum

of Money to his son to look after men Else Where And had

his wishes Complicated in finding a great number of good

Men for said purpose         Alexander Campbell

Post Script

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