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Bute Community Learning Centre

Bute Community Learning Centre is located on Mill St at the entrance to the car park opposite the accessible entrance to Rothesay Library. There are two steps to get in to the building and the rest is level with access to a kitchen space and accessible toilet. It has a modern and bright training room with access to computers and the internet.

Adult Learning

Adult learning is tailored to meet the needs of our learners with a range of certified and uncertified courses on offer. The best way to find out what best suits your needs is to pop into our Learning Hub which is held every Monday morning from 10am – 12pm and chat with our friendly staff and volunteers.

We have an ever changing list of groups and activities tailored to meet the needs of the community on Bute including;

Digital inclusion – How to use your mobile smartphone to sharpen up your basic computer skills and even the opportunity to gain SQA qualifications if you want.

Health & Wellbeing groups – Helping to reduce social isolation, meeting new people and learning new skills around mental and physical wellbeing.

Core Skills – Learning and improving skills needed for life and work like employability, numeracy, literacy and Group work.

Outside Youth in front of hut
Outside Youth in front of hut

Our current Adult Learning weekly timetable: 

Monday – 10am – 12pm: Learning Hub | 1pm – 3pm: Seasonal Programmes

Wednesday – 10am – 12pm: Seasonal Programmes | 1pm – 3pm: Positive Pedals

Thursday – 10am – 12.30pm: Bute men’s group

Friday – 1.30pm – 3pm: Inspire Alba Learners

Bute Men’s Group meet every Thursday 10am-12.30pm to meet with others, reduce social isolation and work on small projects including gardening, arts & crafts and play snooker. They have regular visits from local councillors and other organisations which allows them to find out what is happening in their local community, volunteer opportunities and have their voices heard.

The Learning HUB is on every Monday morning 10am-12pm. This a space where adults can find out about learning opportunities, work towards SQA courses such as employability and access computers. Workers are on hand to support learners with ICT skills and help them navigate their way back into employment.

Outside Youth in front of hut
Outside Youth in front of hut

Youth work on Bute   

Our Community Learning worker works in partnership with Rothesay Joint Campus and is based in the school on Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes and afternoons. During lunch breaks she can be found in the HUB chatting to young people, getting their views, making plans about upcoming activities and sometimes doing Arts & Crafts.

Community learning work with staff within the school to promote and support pupils to work towards accredited and non-accredited certification in the form of Youth Awards Awards – Youth Scotland, Saltire Saltire Awards – Celebrating youth volunteering in Scotland,  John Muir Trust Awards Engagement Initiative | John Muir Award ( and some SCQF course.

Bute Youth Action Groups currently run after school in the community Learning Office on Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays 3.45pm – 5.15pm, each group has a separate focus which changes as directed by the young people currently we have Youth Inclusion, S1-3 Youth Action/Pupil council running & S4 upwards Youth Action Group. Between Easter holidays and Summer Holidays groups will vary and include, Events skills, ButeFest Arts & Craft group and Youth Action Group meetings. Youth people can work towards many of the above accredited and non-accredited certification and more.

During school holidays young people have the opportunity to participate in GIVE where they participate activities they have chosen around volunteering, by volunteering in the community they earn the chance to go away to the mainland on a trip of the groups choosing.

Bute – Kintyre Youth Action Group Exchanges

During the 2023 Summer school holidays Bute and Kintyre youth action groups took part in exchanges to each other’s areas. This allowed them to meet other young people and explore similarities and differences between Bute and Campbelltown.

Cooking on a Budget – Each year we run cooking on a Budget group, spaces are limited and go really fast. Young people are aware of cost of living crisis, this group gives them the basic skills to make healthy and nutritious food on a low budget. They learn about basic kitchen health and safety, food preparation, budgeting and life skills. After each session everyone sits down and eats their meal together then all help to tidy away and clean up.

GIVE (Get Involved Volunteer Engage) our young people identify areas and issues in the community that they would like to make a difference projects have included doing litter picks at the park and around the town, cleaning all the windows in the shelters and cabbies rest and a dog fouling campaign. They invited the local warden in who gave them stickers to put up and asked that they used the message “if you see it, report it” he said this was really important as every moans about it and only 5 cases had been reported between Christmas and Easter. The young people identified hot spots on a map of the town centre, got a QR code and made posters which they put around these hotspots.

Outside Youth in front of hut

We work with a large range of partners including: