Oban Lorn and the Isles
Youth Work OLI (Including the secondary schools in Oban, Tobermory and Tiree)
CLD Youth Work in Oban, Lorn and the Isles provides a range of activities focused on wellbeing, personal and skills development for life and work and FUN!
High School
In partnership with OHS we offer a range of Wider Achievement Awards. Working within the school, we provide accredited learning opportunities with Hi5’s, Dynamic Youth Awards, Youth Achievement Awards and SQA Modules. Working closely with the Family Liaison Officers, this can be offered to pupils who may be struggling with mainstream subjects but can also be done with other groups within the school.
This will be rolled out to cover both Tiree and Tobermory High Schools in the near future.
We offer a youth volunteering programme over the school holidays called ‘GIVE’ (Get Inspired through Volunteering and Engagement). The Group identifies and plans volunteering opportunities in their local community. Young people are then invited to complete these activities to support their community and demonstrate the power of ‘youth action’. Young people who take part are offered a reward such as a visit to the cinema or a trip. We run this in partnership with Oban Youth Café and H2O and is free for young people to take part in.

Friday Night Project
In partnership with H2O, Active Schools and Oban Youth Café, we have been delivering a two-pronged approach on a Friday evening. There is football at OHS and a drop-in at ‘The Well’ for OHS pupils. The programme is also supported by Scottish Fire & Rescue who join in with the football, Police Scotland who call in when available and Hebridean Pursuits who have funded some of the activities. Continued engagement in these positive behaviours is encouraged with young people the young people who attend. The programme helps to embed positive behaviour habits at a critical stage of development for young people at a time when they are more vulnerable to engage in negative behaviours.
Rockfield Primary School
Rockfield is the largest Primary School in Oban and we work in partnership with the school, mainly on transition to secondary school. One area is around their Outdoor Week, with the young people gaining a Dynamic Youth Award.
Summer Sensation
Summer Sensations is a two day transition programme for all P6 and P7 pupils in the 17 feeder primary schools for OHS. (We also offer this to pupils on Tiree who can attend OHS in S3). It takes place a few days before the start of the new school year. Day 1 takes place at Atlantis Leisure and the young people are offered a huge range of activities that are available to them locally. Day 2 is at OHS and they can orientate themselves with the school, take part in activities that are offered in the school and have a chance to make new friends with the same interests. This is a particularly import event for young people from the smaller primary schools who may be the only pupil from that school attending. The event is free for everyone and is a partnership between CLD, Active Schools, Atlantis Leisure, Oban High School , Oban Youth Café and Hebridean Pursuits, who work together all year to give the young people ‘The Best Two Days of the Summer’.
Glenorchy & Loch Awe Youth Action Group
This is a newly set up YAG in a rural community 25 miles from Oban. They aim to carry out local community projects and regularly volunteer and represent young people’s views in the area by carrying out weekly meetings which involve regular focus groups and large scale youth consultations on a two yearly basis. The input from the Action Group ensures the local youth work service is entirely youth led by focussing on local youth views, issues and areas the young people would like to develop. The group will also take part in an Argyll and Bute youth group exchange programme, go on trips, undertake training and do a variety of activities to help them gain a positive experience and develop their skills.
Healthy Me!
‘Healthy Me!’ is a project we run with P7 girls (and boys). It was started to address the drop-off in girls taking part in sport once they started secondary school. In partnership with Active Schools and Oban Youth Café, we offer a 3 week rolling programme at Oban High School, where we have a physical activity one week, cooking the next and Art & Crafts the 3rd week. The activities take place weekly, after school. The Art & Crafts gives us a chance to speak to the girls and also introduce them to some to the staff at OHS (School Nurses, Family Liaison Officers etc) in an informal setting. The last couple of years, the P7 boys have asked for the same project and we now run a shorter programme for them. At present, we only run this for Rockfield pupils, entirely due to their proximity to OHS and the lack of transport.

Adult Learning
Morning & Afternoon drop-ins at the library
10am-12pm: Help with job searches, applications and CV’s
12pm- 2pm: Help with using apps/computers/tablets/phones
Music Group in partnership with Hope Kitchen
12pm-1pm: Guitar Lessons
2pm-3.30pm: Singalong session – in the Undercroft, Church of Scotland Centre, Glencruitten Road
SQA Awards – We offer a range of SQA awards which support health and wellbeing and essential lifeskills.
Literacy & Numeracy – We can provide 1 to 1 / group sessions in literacy and numeracy where capacity allows.