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Management Rules for the regulation of leisure and library services within Argyll

liveArgyll hereby makes the following Management Rules (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Rules’) for the regulation in good and proper order of the various Leisure Centres, Sports Halls, Swimming Pools, Libraries and Community Centres under the management of the said Organisation.

The Organisation acts on behalf of Argyll and Bute Council for the delivery of Leisure and Sport Services.

General Manager liveArgyll: The Duty Officer or other nominated person (on behalf of the General Manager of liveArgyll) of the relevant premises (which expression in these Rules shall include any authorised members of staff) shall have general charge and control of the relevant premises. The Duty Officer may require any person considered to have broken any of the Rules to leave the relevant premises and that person shall at once leave and may be refused further admission.


In these Management Rules:

“Person” means any person having the right, under these rules, to the use of the various Leisure Centres, Sports Halls and Swimming Pools or the facilities or equipment therein and to spectators and generally anyone in the relevant premises for the time being. Entrance to the relevant premises and all tickets for admission are issued subject to compliance with these Rules.

“Premises” means the whole of the various Leisure Centres, Sports Halls, Swimming Pools, Libraries and Community Centres including any changing rooms, shower/toilet areas, playing areas, halls, spectator areas, cafeterias and reception/entrance areas.

“Manager” represents the General Manager of liveArgyll or authorised member of staff.

Admission of the Public

No person shall:

  1. enter the relevant premises without having first paid or having a valid membership for admission;
  2. enter the premises while knowingly suffering from any contagious or infectious disease;
  3. if seven years of age or under, be admitted to the swimming pool unless accompanied by a responsible person who can swim or unless satisfactory supervision has been arranged with the Manager;
  4. remain in the relevant premises or any part thereof contrary to an instruction by the Manager, or for a longer period than permitted by the Manager;
  5. enter or remain in any part of the relevant premises after the time fixed for its closing;
  6. remain in the relevant premises after an emergency situation has been made known to them.

Protection of Privacy

No person shall

  1. enter a dressing area or dressing cubicle or shower room reserved by or used by the opposite sex. Parents and guardians of children are excepted;
  2. disturb or wilfully intrude upon or interfere with the privacy of any other person in the proper use of a dressing or shower cubicle, or facilities generally within the relevant premises.

Valuables and Clothing

The Organisation shall not be held responsible and does not accept liability for the loss of (or damage to) wearing apparel, property or valuables left in the dressing rooms or any other part of the relevant premises. Persons using the relevant premises must use any lockers provided for storage of clothing and valuables.

Dress and Equipment

No person shall enter or remain in the relevant premises if his or her dress is considered by the Manager to be unsuitable and in particular no person shall wear bathing dress considered by the Manager to be unsuitable. Every person shall, before leaving the relevant premises, return to the relevant office or place in the receptacle provided for this purpose, any articles or equipment that may have been hired or supplied for their use.

Protection of Water in Pools

No person shall:

  1. enter any pool before first washing in the pre-cleansing/shower area and making use of the toilet facilities;
  2. foul or pollute the water in any way whatsoever.

Prevention of Injury

No person shall:

  1. disobey or ignore any instruction or order given by the Manager or staff in the interests of health and safety;
  2. enter the relevant premises in a state of health or other condition which might reasonably be expected to endanger or cause harm or injury to oneself or others.

    General Provisions as to Good Order

    No person shall:

    1. bring or cause to be brought into the relevant premises any unauthorised alcoholic or intoxicating liquor or drugs;
    2. enter the relevant premises while under the influence of drink or drugs;
    3. smoke in or around the relevant premises;
    4. use profane, indecent or offensive language or behave or conduct oneself in an indecent, offensive, insulting, disorderly or violent manner;
    5. wilfully damage any article belonging to the Organisation or attempt, plan or conspire or do any act likely to wilfully damage the same;
    6. bring or cause to be brought into the relevant premises, glassware of any description unless agreed by the Manager;
    7. disobey or ignore any instruction given by the Manager or his/her staff;
    8. the Organisation will not tolerate foul or abusive language or actions against staff or other members of public. The Organisation reserves the right to permanently exclude members of the public and also inform the Police in this situation;
    9. except with the consent of Manager, no person shall cause or allow any dog (other than a working dog accompanying a disabled person) or other animal belonging to them or under their control to enter or remain in the premises.

    Contravention of Management Rules

    1. the Manager may, if he has reasonable grounds for believing a person has contravened, is contravening or is about to contravene any of the foregoing Management Rules, expel that person from the relevant premises, and revoke any membership.