liveArgyll has partnered with My Tribe to help ensure period products are available for free to anyone who needs them across Argyll & Bute.
It is important in Argyll and Bute that the message around free access to period products is a strong one. My Tribe is about inclusivity amongst those who have periods, with a focus on people feeling empowered and enabled.

Argyll and Bute Council has been providing access to free period products in the community and schools since 2018. This initiative is funded by the Scottish Government and is driven by the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021.
The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 was enacted in November 2020 by the Scottish Government, and received Royal assent on 12 January 2021. It is the world’s first legislation to make it mandatory for all public institutions to provide free sanitary products for menstruation including tampons and pads. The new Act places duties on the council to provide free access to period products in a way that protects the dignity of anyone requiring them
You can order products online through the My Tribe website, however, we want to make sure no one is caugh out by periods again, therefore there a multiple locations across the area where products can be collected. See below for liveArgyll facilities that stock free period products.
Cowal and Bute
- Dunoon Library
- Dunoon Community Education Centre
- Riverside Leisure Centre
- Queen’s Hall, Dunoon
- Rothesay Library
- Rothesay Moat Community Education Centre
- Rothesay Swimming Pool
Helensburgh and Lomond
- Aqualibrium, Campbeltown
- Campbeltown Library
- Kintyre Community Education Centre
- Victoria Hall, Campbeltown
Mid Argyll
- Lochgilphead Community Education Centre
- Lochgilphead Joint Campus/Mid Argyll Sports Centre
- Tarbert Library