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Local Studies

The Local Studies department is responsible for lots of interesting information about Argyll and Bute.

Each branch library holds a small local collection specific to its area, but the bulk of the material, including books, pamphlets, maps and postcards, is held at Library Headquarters in Dunoon.

Please contact us in advance of your visit to ensure that someone will be available to assist.

Library Headquarters
Highland Avenue
PA23 8QZ


Tel: 01369 708663 (Eleanor McKay, Bibliographic and Local Studies Librarian) or 01369 708697 (Gwen Henderson, Library Assistant-in-Charge, Local Studies)

Family History

We are not able to undertake genealogical research on behalf of family historians, but the following sources are available for consultation:

  • Microfilm of Old Parish Records up to 1854 and Census records (1841-1901) for Argyll: available at Campbeltown, Dunoon and Oban libraries.
  • Microfilm of Old Parish Records up to 1854 and Census records (1841-1901) for Bute: available at Rothesay library.
  • Microfiche of Births, Marriages and Deaths for Argyll (1855-1899) at Library Headquarters.
  • Some Monumental Inscriptions.
  • Published family histories.
  • Published clan histories.
  • Statistical Accounts of Scotland (1st, 2nd and 3rd).
  • Helensburgh directories (1880-1950): available at Helensburgh Library.

The council’s registration service can help you search Scotland’s People system. This allows images of all the original Birth, Death and Marriage records for the whole of Scotland to be made available for searching and viewing by local researchers.


The local collection comprises a range of published and unpublished sources from early printed works to the latest publications and covers a wide array of topics relevant to the local area.

As well as information about specific places in Argyll and Bute, there are books on the following subjects:

Parish and Local Histories; Biographies; Maritime History; Family History; Clan Histories; Military History; Gaelic Culture; Literature; Folklore; Architecture; Archaeology; Religion; Agriculture; Fishing; Wildlife.

To view the full range of stock available, you can access the library catalogue online.

Newspapers & Periodicals

A number of local newspapers are held at branch libraries.
We hold copies of various local newspapers (mostly on microfilm) at the following branches:

Argyllshire Herald (1855 – 1860)
Campbeltown Courier (1875 – 1879, 1893 – 1950, 1951 – 1985, 1986 – present)
Campbeltown Journal (1851 – 1855)


Dunoon Advertiser (1903 – 1926)
Dunoon Herald (1876 – 1949)
Dunoon Observer/ Arg. Stand. (1895 – 1950, 1986 – present)
Dunoon Observer/ Cowal Watch. (1886 – 1894)
Dunoon Telegraph (1889 – 1890)

Helensburgh Advertiser (1957 – present)
Helensburgh & Gareloch Times (1880 – 1898, 1901 – 1980)
Helensburgh News (1876, 1878, 1886, 1888 – 1927)
Helensburgh News/Courier (1935 – 1937)

Argyllshire Advertiser (1887 – 1950, 1986 – present)

Oban Express (1888 – 1904)
Oban Times (1862 – present)
Oban Visitors’ Register (1889 – 1898)
Oban Weekly News (1906 – 1908)

Buteman (1855 – 1878, 1890 – 1950, 1986 – present)
Rothesay Chronicle (1863 – 1874, 1878, 1888 – 1913)
Rothesay Journal (1852 – 1853)

Argyllshire Leader (1929 – 1934)
Celtic Monthly (1892 – 1916)
Celtic Review (1908 – 1915)
Ileach (1995 – present)
People’s Journal (1905 – 1950)
Scots Magazine (1739 – 1825)
Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness (from 1871)
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (from 1878)