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liveArgyll Membership Terms and Conditions

1 Data

All data collected is by the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 and is used by liveArgyll by our privacy policy. The member is responsible for ensuring the data we hold for them is up-to-date and accurate.

2 Joining and Membership

2.1 Joining Fee

A joining fee of £15 will be applied to all new memberships (not including swimming lesson membership).

2.2 Direct Debit

All Direct Debits are a legally binding contract between liveArgyll and the Direct Debit payer and represent a commitment to pay all monthly membership fees due each calendar month. If a Direct Debit payment defaults, the membership will be inactive, and the member will be contacted to organise the reactivation.

Members can only rejoin any membership scheme once all due amounts are paid in full.
All correspondence regarding the Direct Debit will be sent to the Direct Debit holder.

2.3 Cooling-Off Period

You can cancel your membership within the first 14 days of commencement. If you cancel within these 14 days, any membership payments incurred during that time will be refunded.

2.4 Members Under 16 years

If a member is under 16, the membership application and Direct Debit must be completed by a Parent/Guardian.

2.5 Concessions

Concessions are available, so check with us at Pricing List – Live Argyll.
Proof of eligibility is required every year. Failure to provide proof will mean the price will automatically change to the regular rate.

2.6 Membership fees

Our membership fees and prices are subject to periodic review. The customer will be given one calendar month’s notice of any proposed changes and will have the right to terminate their agreement using the standard cancellation procedure. Failure to cancel will imply acceptance of the changes and/or increase.
Members who pay an annual membership are required to renew such membership on or before the current membership expires to continue receiving member benefits. Such renewal shall be at the rates applicable at the date of renewal.

liveArgyll reserve the right to offer membership promotions and special offers throughout the year, which may offer memberships and joining fees at a different price from that advertised.

2.7 Membership Use

Memberships are for use by the named members only and not for sharing with others. Any abuse of membership privileges can result in automatic cancellation with no refunds provided.

All members will be asked for a photograph required to assist with the security of our sites.

2.8 Freezing membership

We will consider it frozen for illness, injury, or other extenuating circumstances and is at liveArgyll’s discretion. The minimum period for freezing a membership is one calendar month, and the maximum is four calendar months. Please discuss any freezes with your local facility.

Whilst membership is frozen, you cannot use the facilities as part of your membership.

2.9 Cancellation of Direct Debit Membership

To cancel your membership, please e-mail

All cancellations require one full calendar month’s notice. If a Direct Debit has been withdrawn without notification, this will be deemed in breach of the terms and conditions, and an admin fee of £20 will apply.

2.10 Cancellation of Annual Prepaid Membership

Pre-paid annual memberships are non-refundable unless a letter from a GP on medical grounds is provided.

Refunds will not be granted for a limited or reduced amount of activities available as part of this membership.

3 Accessing Facilities

3.1 Access Control

Our facilities have various electronic access control measures. You must ensure your access control key (method dependent on facility – membership card/QR Code/ Bar Code/ Fob etc.) with you at every visit and utilise your control key at all required entry points within our facilities.

3.2 Access Control Replacement

If a replacement access control key (membership card/fob) is required, there will be a charge for every new one issued.

3.3 Unavailable Services/Facilities

Some activities may not be available due to programming, facility maintenance or other external factors such as Scottish Government guidelines or adverse weather and may include temporary closures of some or all elements of facilities.

Refunds will not be granted for limited or reduced availability of activities.

liveArgyll facilities are closed during all liveArgyll public holidays.

4 Classes and activities

4.1 Booking and attending Classes

Fitness classes can be booked up to 7 days in advance, subject to availability.

Attendees at a class should arrive 10 minutes before the class starts time.

Fitness classes can be booked and cancelled online or via the app, available on the App Store or Google Play.

4.2 Non-Attendance at Class

Many of our classes have waiting lists, so to improve class availability, we ask that if a member cannot attend a class they have booked, they must cancel their booking a minimum of 1 hour before the start time of the class.

Should the member not attend or fail to cancel 1 hour before the class on three occasions in a month, the member will be unable to book any classes. The member can still participate in the fitness classes but only by attending the facility at the time of their chosen class and taking part if space is available.

Persistent abuse of the booking system may lead to a financial penalty for the member.

5 Fitness Suite

5.1 Fitness Suite Inductions

Gym inductions are available upon request. Please speak to a staff member at your local facility to arrange this.

Gym programme creating and reviews are available at an additional cost to your membership– please speak to a member of staff at your local facility to arrange this.

5.2 Fitness Suite users aged 14–17

Gym users must all be over 14 years of age. The table below shows what facilities can be accessed by 14 to 17-year-olds and whether they must be supervised. 14-15s must always be supervised using free weights, plate-loaded and lock-pin machines. All Under 18s require a consent form before using the gym.

Swimming Pools
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Relaxation Zone / Health Suite
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Fitness Suite Free-weights
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Plate Loaded Machines
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Lock-pin Machines
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Finess Suite CV Equipment
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Fitness Classes
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17

Parent Consent form Required
Must Be Supervised by an adult
Good to go
✘ No entry for under 16’s

All members under 18 years of age require a mandatory induction before using the fitness suite. Please speak to a staff member at your local facility to arrange this.

12 and 13-Year-Olds can only access specific junior classes and swimming pools.


6 Terms and conditions

6.1 Amendments to Terms and Conditions

  • liveArgyll reserves the right to review its terms and conditions occasionally. Members of the Direct Debit scheme will be given at least one month of proposed changes.

6.2 Application Refusal

  • liveArgyll reserves the right to refuse any membership application and does not need to give reason(s) for refusal.
  • For membership correspondence, e-mail